Using Hashtags on Instagram

Hashtags will help Instagram better understand your post and is used in their search algorithm.  Users can also follow hashtags now, in addition to following users. In addition, the effective use of hashtags will help you get more:

  • New followers

  • Likes

  • Comments

  • Sales

An Instagram hashtag is a word or series of words (no space in between) with the hash (#) at the beginning of the word/phrase, and once again with no space.

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75 Top Instagram Travel Hashtags

75 Top Instagram Travel Hashtags


  1. Instagram has an absolute limit of 30 hashtags per post, it will ignore any additional hashtags you use after 30.

  2. Many experts recommend you use approximately 10, but you will need to experiment to see what works best for your account and travel niche.

  3. Definitely do not use hashtags that are not relevant to your particular photo or caption.

  4. It can be very hard for a new account to get any attention if they only use the most popular hashtags.  Instead target hashtags where there is less competition and you have a better chance and being heard.


  • PRO TIP:  Combine popular hashtags with location names.  A travel post in Italy becomes #travelgramitalia with 94K posts for instead of #travelgram and its 80M other posts.  A traveler in London might use #travelerinlondon (39K posts) instead of #traveler (336M posts).

  • PRO TIP: Use a combination of the most popular, medium, and very targeted hashtags to find the right mix that works best to grow your account in your travel niche.

  • PRO TIP:  Don't forget to use hashtags based on the location of the post such as #duororiver or #belize.  (This is different from the geo-tagging where Instagram asks you to name the "Location" of the photo. Hashtags are placed in the caption whereas geo-tagging occurs under the caption box and the Tag People box when you are posting a picture.)

  • PRO TIP: Instagram users are accustomed to a very clean user experience.  Place 5 periods below your main caption and then add your hashtags.  Also, you can keep the hashtags out of your caption completely.  Just finish your post and then add your hashtags in the comments section of your post.

  • PRO TIP: Save your top hashtags in a Notes document on your phone.  Once you have identified some hashtags you are going to use with most of your posts, you can save them along with the 5 periods in a Notes document on your phone.  Each time you create a new post, simply open up the note and copy and paste the hashtags into you caption.  Then make any further edits needed to make your post really stand out!


#travel - 336 million posts

#holiday - 111m posts

#vacation - 89m posts

#wanderlust - 83m posts

#travelgram - 80m posts

#instatravel - 72m posts

#adventure - 72m posts

#explore - 61m posts

#traveling - 53m posts

#traveler - 27m posts

#neverstopexploring - 20m posts